Saturday, 20 May 2017

The Late Show

The rest of Newcastle and Gateshead are out on the town for the Late Shows, our late show is finally finding the time to write a new blog post. It probably sounds absurd, but so much has been going on that there just hasn't been time to sit down and write about it.

Books have been flying out to various prisons, including Doncaster - the furthest south so far.

We're talking with other prisons a little closer to home - more of this when there's something more definite to report. In the meantime we sent a package of books down to a prison in Devon. They asked specifically for dictionaries and thesauruses for people doing creative writing, studying or doing crosswords. It took a while for them to be checked in, but the men were really happy to get these books.

We are expecting visits from projects in Liverpool, Sheffield and Birmingham in the next few weeks, by which time our friends the kittiwakes down on the Tyne Bridge will be hatching their broods.
And today, we spent a lovely couple of hours down at the Shipley Art Gallery, giving books to Syrian families who were having a celebration. Thanks to Cambridge University Press, we were able to give them a couple of hundred brand new books - easy readers for children and new readers of English, and - most popular - dictionaries.

And the other great news is that we are taking on our first paid employee in mid-June.... but that's another story!

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