Friday, 23 November 2007

What a difference a day makes

After all the difficulties earlier in the week, on Thursday we went with a fully-laden car to Groningen. First, the sun was shining and the traffic flowed smoothly. No time to stop and stare... or take photos, but nonetheless a very pleasant drive.
Arrived at our destination right on time and without getting lost (whoopee!). Inlia is an organisation which cares for asylum applicants who do not (yet) have independent housing. Once a month they hold an open day where other low-income families from the city can come in for food-parcels, free clothing and now free books. No-one there was sure whether there would be much interest in books - I am permanently optimistic! They were surprised and delighted by the response. We must have taken around 1500 books and have left them all behind. Now other local organisations will be invited to come to find books for their clients and we hope that this will become a permanent fact of life in Groningen. This particular shelter is in a former nunnery and it did seem an appropriate place for things to go right.
Later I went to stay with a good friend now living in Friesland. Lovely to have time to catch up and then take a walk round the village in the morning. The fact that she has written such a very nice blog of her own today just added to the great day! (you need to read Dutch for that one)

1 comment:

Doranne said...

may this be the start to many more days that makes the sun shine in your hart