Friday, 7 March 2008

Fame at last !!

... well not fame, but at least a degree of recognition (again) after a long uphill struggle. This evening as I opened the door when I arrived home after a trip to Amsterdam, the phone rang. The voice on the other end said that we have been nominated by Humanitas for the Ab Harrewijn Prize. And not only that, we have reached the final 5 nominees. This ensures a (relatively) modest cash prize, but also some media exposure which we hope may result in new contacts to help with setting up local BookSpaces around the Netherlands.
I had almost despaired of the project ever working here, but this could be a last ditch opportunity to get the show back on the road.

Whatever happens I am absolutely delighted to have received the recommendation of another organization here with whom we have been cooperating for several years. My experience here has so often been one of a kind of 'protective' attitude other organisations not wanting to share advice or contacts, for whatever reason, so this is immensely gratifying. More news later. The prizegiving is on May 13.
We were nominated by a friend last year, but did not reach the finals, so there is much reason for celebration.